Garden of Devotion A non denominational garden, the Garden of Devotion sits adjacent to the Garden of St. John and the first Veterans Garden. In the center is a three-dimensional panel of Carerra marble, which depicts the image of a father holding a shield to protect a mother with a child in her arms and another at her feet. The devotion of a father to his family is the source of the garden's name. Garden of Devotion.
Garden of St. John This is our Catholic garden. It features a statue of the apostle John, made of Carrera Marble. Carrera Marble, is named for its source, in Carrera Italy. Considered the finest marble in the world, it comes from the same quarries that supplied Michaelangelo with his marble for sculpting.
Garden of the Christus In the center of this garden, atop a ascending stepped brick platform, is a nine-foot tall statue of Jesus. It is made from Carerra Marble. This was the first Garden at Resthaven. It was designed with a circular shape, and resides in the middle of the cemetery. A cross of mature hedges separates each of the sections in this garden.
Garden of the Cross The Garden of the Cross is among the most recognizable gardens in the cemetery, due to the well kept hedges in the form of a cross, which is especially visible from US Route 15 North.
Garden of Memory I,II, and III The Garden of Memory is our Lawn Crypt Section, meaning this garden consists of grass topped crypts in both double depth and side by side configurations. These gardens are also multi denominational, adhering to no particular religious theme. In the Garden of Memory I, a giant bronze sundial, called a heliochronometer, sits atop a pillar of stones. The arrow of the dial points towards the north star. One of our newer gardens, Memory III features a fountain, decorative wall and a courtyard.
Garden of Solomon This section is the only dedicated Jewish burial ground in Frederick county. We work with local rabbis of area congregations to serve the requirements of our Jewish community. We provide the elements required of the cemetery for a traditional Jewish burial. Small stones are available at the gate to leave in lieu of flowers.
Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross comprises the Southern edge of the western gardens and offers upright monuments in addition to classic flat bronze memorials. Compliant with Eastern Orthodox and other Christian traditions, the garden faces East and West with breathtaking morning and sunset views and offers dedicated spaces to traditional as well as cremation burial.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of Guadalupe, also one of our new catholic gardens, pays tribute to families with loved ones throughout Latin America and around the globe. Sitting adjacent to both the Veterans Garden of Valor and Stations of the Cross, this garden shares the same natural beauty and scenic views as its neighbors.
Garden of Honor I In 1971, noting the great liability to Maryland's taxpayers for veterans' cemeteries, Resthaven created our first veterans garden, the Veterans Garden of Honor. This garden was personally dedicated by the former secretary of the Navy, the Honorable J. William Middendorf III. In the center is a unique and beautiful sculpture of the legendary Phoenix, a legendary symbol of eternal life.
Garden of Honor II The second Veterans Garden features an Omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Omega means: that which is great, eternal, final. Out of the center of the Omega rises a flag pole from which our Nation's majestic colors proudly wave. Approaching the second Garden of Honor, just forward of the Statue Of Christus, along the drive is the China, Burma, India Memorial. This memorial is dedicated to those who gave their lives in that region, that we might enjoy freedom in ours.
Veteran's Garden of Valor The new Veteran’s Garden of Valor is our third garden for Veteran’s and their loved ones to be together. The encompassing beauty and enticing availability allows for elegant and enduring tributes of the lives and legacies of our heroes and their families.
Veterans Circle of Honor Our first veterans area specifically designated for cremation, rests in the heart of the Veterans Garden of Honor and its five flags for each branch of the armed services. In the center is Resthaven’s infamous Phoenix sculpture by the revered artist Alex Russo, a arts professor at Hood Collage decades ago. The circular design allows for selecting for almost any view desired while visiting, while providing faithful and fitting tribute to those who have served our country.
Garden of Peace Garden of Peace is our newest pano-cultural, non-religious themed garden offering the highest altitudes in the cemetery, with some select upright monument and family estate areas. This garden was developed with elements of ancient Chinese ‘Fung Shui’ (pronounced “fung shway”; literal English translation to mean “air or breeze” and “water”) in mind, to enhance the tranquility for all who visit.
Garden of Faithful Friends Garden of Faithful Friends is nearly unique in its mission to offer an area for pets and their human family members to be interred together. Each space in the Garden of Faithful Friends is large enough to accommodate both a traditional burial for the pet “parent”, as well as space for pets up to the size of large dogs. All forms of internment, from traditional burial, cremation and even mausoleum entombment for families and pets is offered in this garden.
Garden of Prayer The Garden of Prayer is a premier non-denominational garden near the entrance of the cemetery, adjacent to the Veteran’s Garden of Honor II, and in front of the omega. It features a marble open faced bible, and has inscribed on its “pages” the 23rd psalm. This section is exceptionally convenient for those visiting who may suffer from mobility issues, as there is parking on three sides of the garden and little to no incline or grade to the surface.